Forum Timeline Forum Action Plan DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 4th SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum | TUE 01 APR 2025 Event evaluation survey by delegates Event Press Release & Photos Presentations videos at YouTube Event coverage at SAFETY4SEA Log magazine Pre-Event Activity Market survey to develop the agenda and collect speaking proposals Site Skin placed at 2-3 months ahead of the event Banners placed in organizer sites and media sponsors in Greece and abroad Mail campaigns to past attendees, and key industry executives (10-40,000 contacts) Extended social media campaigns, aprox 4-6 weeks ahead of the event Banner at the daily mail newsletters, circulated to over 35,000 contacts on a daily basis Personal invitations circulated in local market ship Operators to participate to the event Post-Event Activity Article of each presentation, edited and submitted for review to be posted on website and circulated via daily mail Video of the presentation to be posted on YouTube, on website and circulated via daily mail Social Media mentions on quotations and posting of articles and video presentations Extended coverage (6-8 pages) on the next edition of the SAFETY4SEA Log magazine of the dedicated event (10,000 copies, to be circulated in Greece & abroad and possible major events as communicated in advance) Key Success Factors ●● Delegate satisfaction ●● Delegates mix, numbers & interest ●● Presentations tuned for the audience ●● Networking & socializing opportunities ●● Panel discussion & audience participation ●● Memorability of the event after 6 months ●● Media buzz before, during & after the event ●● Overall event organisation & administration Market research Stakeholder survey to develop agenda Call to stakeholders 1 3 4 2 1 2 2 4 5 3 6 2 4 5 3 6 7 2 4 5 3 6 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ! Refer to pre-event and post-event activity regarding description of above action, at next page Initial round of feedback FRI 14 JAN 2025 Event advertisement via social media & e-mail campaigns Panels and panelists finalized FRI 14 FEB 2025 Program finalized MON 03 MAR 2025 6 4th SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum I Event Guide