2nd GREEN4SEA Singapore Forum

The 2nd GREEN4SEA Singapore Forum is scheduled as a full day event (12:30 – 18:15) on Friday 28th of March 2025 at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

This is a NON PROFIT event expected to attract a target group of approx. 200 delegates / 100 organizations attendance from Safety, Technical, Marine departments of shipping operators and other related industry stakeholders. Attendance will be FREE of charge to delegates, a common feature of ALL SAFETY4SEA forums with sponsors covering all the expenses of the event.


Attendance is FREE, subject to Registration


Scope Foster Environmental Excellence and Sustainable Shipping
Concept This is a NON PROFIT event. ALL Attendees will have FREE admission, ALL conference costs shall be covered in full by the sponsors
Duration This will be a FULL DAY event (12:30 – 18:15)
It will accommodate up to 24 speaker slots in 6 sessions
Target Audience Ship Operators, Technical, Marine Department & Shipping related audience
Estimated attendance: 200 delegates / 100+ Organizations
Background This will be the 2nd GREEN4SEA Singapore Forum.
Details of previous events may be found at events.safety4sea.com
  • Decarbonization in Shipping, IMO 2030/2050 Developments, options and alternatives
  • Air Emissions (EEXI, CII), Fuel Options & Alternatives
  • Environmental Regulatory Developments (IMO, EU, US)
  • BWM, IHM, Ship Recycling, Biofouling
  • Green Financing & Economics
  • Experience transfer & Best practices beyond compliance
  • ESG in Shipping
Place Marine Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Avenue, 018956, Singapore, www.marinabaysands.com
Date FRIDAY 28 MARCH 2025
Website events.safety4sea.com/2025-green4sea-singapore-forum/


Information will be available soon.


Program Development & Speaking Slots
Mr. Apo Belokas
SAFETY4SEA Founder & Managing Editor
abe [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Sponsorship Options
Mrs. Angela Chatzigeorgiou
Media Team Manager
ach [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Administration of the event
Ms. Joanna Saltaoura
Events Team Manager
jsa [at] sqegroup [dot] com


Information will be available soon.


Program Development & Speaking Slots
Mr. Apo Belokas
SAFETY4SEA Founder & Managing Editor
abe [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Sponsorship Options
Mrs. Angela Chatzigeorgiou
Media Team Manager
ach [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Administration of the event
Ms. Joanna Saltaoura
Events Team Manager
jsa [at] sqegroup [dot] com


Who Should Attend

This is a must attend event for all companies and individuals interested in Maritime Environmental Excellence and Sustainable Shipping , including:

  • Ship owners & staff within Technical, HSQE, Operations & Marine Dept.
  • Maritime Compliance Executives
  • Regulatory Authorities & Flag state Representatives
  • Marine insurers & P&I executives
  • Green Technology Vendors & Experts
  • Maritime Professionals interested in environmental issues

Delegate Helpdesk

General Information

Who can I contact for more information on the event?
Please contact the organizers directly at e-mail: info [at] safety4sea [dot] com


How do I register?
To register you should fill in the online registration form and follow the instructions contained in the Registration Form.

Is the event free to attend for the delegates?
Attendance to the event is FREE subject to online registration. In case you are interested, please complete the online registration form and confirm with the organizers. FREE attendance includes coffee, snacks and drinks during breaks plus lunch at the event venue. Attendance does NOT include accommodation and/or travelling or parking which should be paid in by the delegates as decided/applicable.

What happens if I am unable to attend despite being registered?
Appreciate if you could inform the organizers by e-mail as soon as possible before the event.

At the event

Where is the event being held and how do I get there?
The event location is is at the Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Avenue, 018956, Singapore. You may find instructions here.

What happens when I get to the event venue?
When you arrive at the event please go to the registration desk and collect your badge which should be worn at all times. Welcome coffee and snacks are available during registration and breaks.

After the event

How may I evaluate and comment on the event?
You may comment with the organizers at any time, during or after the event. Furthermore an event evaluation form will be available online after the event to complete anonymously any comments you may have.

Please contact the organizers directly at e-mail: info [at] safety4sea [dot] com

We look forward to welcoming you at this event!


Lead Sponsors
