8th CAREER4SEA Virtual Forum

The 8th CAREER4SEA Virtual Forum is scheduled as a full day event on Wednesday 11 December 2024, as a set of virtual panels, accommodating up to eighteen (18) speaker slots in four (4) sessions. Attendance will be FREE of charge to delegates.

This is a NON PROFIT event aiming at a target group of undergraduate & postgraduate students and young people interested in exploring the opportunities of a career in shipping industry, Shipping Companies, Service providers (Training, Insurance, Medical, Lawyers, Charterers, Flags, Classification Societies, HR Management etc.)

Attendance is FREE, subject to Online Registration


Forum Agenda

PANEL #1 – Developing the future workforce
Digitalization and decarbonization are presenting significant challenges to the maritime industry. As the sector undergoes a radical transformation driven by these forces, it must also focus on attracting, retaining, and preparing talent for the future.

  • Key challenges due to digitalization & decarbonization
  • Shipping 2030/2050: How the demands of GenZ and GenA differ
  • Effective strategies to attract and retain talents
  • How maritime organizations can respond today for the future of work

PANEL #2 –  Build a clear narrative to raise industry’s profile
To secure the future of the maritime industry, companies must adapt to the evolving expectations of younger generations. This involves challenging stereotypes, promoting diversity, and embracing new workplace trends. Above all, prioritizing well-being is not just a trend but a necessity.

  • Career opportunities for young professionals
  • Why industry is talking about DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), Mentoring & Psychological Safety
  • The swift from DEI to MEI (Merit, Excellence and Intelligence)
  • How to promote wellbeing and a work-life balance within the industry

PANEL #3 – Seafarers’ Perspectives 

A discussion with seafarers aims to highlight the key challenges they face both at sea and ashore, while exploring their career prospects. It will also address how future developments, such as automation and decarbonization, will impact seafarers, and provide an opportunity to hear their perspectives on the changing maritime landscape.

The discussion will cover the following topics:

  • What are the pros and cons of pursuing a career at sea?
  • What is the most exciting or rewarding issue onboard? And what is the most challenging issue onboard?
  • How effective is the communication with the people ashore (Corporate/Family/Friends)? How can this be improved?
  • What do you think are the barriers to socializing onboard? What can we done to improve this?
  • In your view, has the maritime industry developed an attractive working environment for young people to join today?  What needs to be done further?
  • What is your key message/ advice to young people who are interested in a career at sea?

PANEL#4 – Effective training, upskilling & re-skilling programmes

There’s a lot of hype around soft skills, and there’s no doubt they play a crucial role in professional development. This moment offers a real opportunity for the sector to reinvent its value proposition to current and prospective professionals, while identifying new training methods and approaches.

  • Focus on soft skills development
  • How to nurture agility, adaptability- the importance of continuous learning
  • The transformation of training: new concepts needed
  • Ensuring a people-centered transition




Attendance is FREE, subject to Online Registration


Information will be available soon.

Inquiries Program Development & Speaking Slots

Mr. Apo Belokas
SAFETY4SEA Founder & Managing Editor
abe [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Sponsorship Options

Mrs. Angela Chatzigeorgiou
Media Team Manager
ach [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Administration of the event

Ms. Joanna Saltaoura
Events Team Manager
jsa [at] sqegroup [dot] com


Information will be available soon.

Inquiries Program Development & Speaking Slots

Mr. Apo Belokas
SAFETY4SEA Founder & Managing Editor
abe [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Sponsorship Options

Mrs. Angela Chatzigeorgiou
Media Team Manager
ach [at] sqegroup [dot] com

Administration of the event

Ms. Joanna Saltaoura
Events Team Manager
jsa [at] sqegroup [dot] com


  • Thank you for your interest in the 8th CAREER4SEA Virtual Forum!

    ONLINE Registration for this event will be open till Tuesday 10th of December 2024, 12:00 GMT

    In order to register for the event please fill in all info required on the following form. Registration for the event is required for each delegate in a SEPARATE Form. If you need to register more than one person please submit the form again by filling additional data for separate persons completing the same procedure.

  • Please fill in your name in latin characters, as stated in your ID or passport.
  • Please fill in your surname in latin characters, as stated in your ID or passport.
  • Employee at a Company/Organization: Please fill in the name of the Organization or Company you work for (i.e. ARPEMAST Ltd)
    Student: Please fill in the name of the Educational Institution in which you study (i.e. BCA, NTUA, 1st Vocational High School of Piraeus etc.)
    If none of the above correspond to your status: Please fill in "OTHER" if you have completed your studies and are currently in search of a job but you do not study in any educational institution nor are you employed at any company.
  • Employee at a Company/Organization: Please fill in the job position at the Organization or Company you work for (i.e. DPA)
    Student: Please fill in the school/department of the Educational Institution in which you study (i.e. School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)
    If none of the above correspond to your status: Please fill in "OTHER" if you have completed your studies and are currently in search of a job but you do not study in any educational institution nor are you employed at any company.
  • Note: All the above fields are mandatory to be filled in to proceed with the registration


    1. Event Details:8th CAREER4SEA Virtual Forum is scheduled on WED 11th of December 2024. Organizers reserve the right to alter/change any part of the program/ event for any reason.
    2. Costs: Event participation is FREE of charge subject to online registration.
    3. Registration: All registrations will be confirmed by reply e-mail. There will be a reminder e-mail closer to the event for all registrations to the e-mail specified in the registration Form.
    4. Co-ordination with Organizers: Participation in the forum implies full co-ordination in line with instructions provided by organizers before and during the forum (including registration).


    Registration will be confirmed by reply e-mail. In case you submit your registration and do not receive a confirmation e-mail within the next 24 hours, please contact the organizers at +30 210 4520410

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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