Working in the maritime industry in 2020s: The new trends
THU 25 FEB 2021
As technology evolves and job requirements changes, new skills are required and among others, automation is gaining momentum, digital training has come to stay and there is a need for finding new ways of communication and workforce upskilling. All these compose a new workplace in which shipping needs to adapt with a growth mindset.
- What are the emerging recruitment trends in the maritime workplace?
- What are the new skills in demand in this evolving landscape?
- How could we transform the workforce of the future through upskilling?
- What are the key challenges in the recruitment and retention shore executives and seafarers?
- What makes the right mindset that will lead maritime organisations successfully into enhanced digitalisation up to 2030?
Apostolos Belokas
Managing Editor
Constantinos Galanakis
Elvictor Group
Heidi Heseltine
Halcyon Recruitment Limited
Dr. Luiza Shahbazyan
The Pivot Company
Bill Truelove
Managing Director
CSMART Training Center
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