MEPC 76: What is in the agenda and what should we expect
WED 26 MAY 2021
IMO MEPC 76 is scheduled as a remote meeting from 10 to 17 June 2021 with key items in the agenda, including GHG work in progress with an eye on MBM proposals plus pending issues from previous MEPC 75 and new submissions on ballast, energy efficiency, HFO ban, EGCS and other green topics. Several stakeholders are building their arguments and summing up their submissions trying to achieve momentum ahead of this important meeting. Ahead of this meeting we would like to discuss:
- What is at stake on the forthcoming MEPC ?
- Where should we set the expectations bar?
- What would be some key items in the agenda and why?
- What are the building blocks of interest as we are headed to this meeting?
- How should the industry seek convergence between different stakeholders views under the IMO umbrella?
- Are there any lessons to be learned for the legislative development process so far?

Gavin Allwright
Secretary General
International Windship Association (IWSA)

Apostolos Belokas
Managing Editor

Stamatis Fradelos
Regional Bulk Carriers Segment Director (Maritime – South East Europe, Middle East & Africa)
DNV Hellas S.A.

Dr. Efi Tsolaki

Panos Zachariadis
Technical Director
Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd.
Important notice
In order to attend the video talk, please revisit this page as video will be embedded and premiered here at the set date/time as above.
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After the premiere, video will be available at the SAFETY4SEA YouTube Channel
Thank you for your interest and trust we see you in one of our future talks!